
3D printing

6 materials • 6 colors • 6 tip sizes

Bachelor and Master thesis:

Multec constantly offers interesting topics from additive technology for student research projects in the fields of mechanics/mechatronics/software and technology.


  • Metal print in FFF
  • process automation
  • Technology optimization in the area of ​​plastic and print head

Full and part-time jobs:

We offer full-time and part-time jobs in the following areas:

Also currently looking for:

  • Part-time office assistant for answering the phone, reception and office organization
  • Control cabinet builder/electrician
  • Engineers mechatronics/electronics

Please send applications to:
Manuel Tosche
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem Beuren
Tel. 07554-210-448-2
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Multec contact details

Multec GmbH
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem


+49 (0) - 7554 - 2104482


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