
3D printing

6 materials • 6 colors • 6 tip sizes

Multi-material printing printed in one printing process: rubber sleeve with flange

Multi-material printing elastic/solid/sliding

  dimension   100x40x80mm  
  weight   50g  
  Material rubber bellows   Multec PLA Soft  
  material flange   Multec PLA-HT  
  Material plain bearing   Sliding material Igus  
  print time   04:15 h  

The example of a sleeve with a printed flange and bearing points is a practical example of how several materials can be used in one application. This multi-material cuff was produced in one printing process on a Multirap M500 .
The elastic material is Multec PLA Soft 120 . To fix the component, the flexible sleeve is replaced by a high-strength flange made of Multec PLA-HT . The guide bushes are made of a sliding material .
This component is an example of how 3D printing can be used to integrate the functions of several materials in one printing process.
Assembly is eliminated, as are constructive connecting elements. Already in the component, the corresponding material connection is provided by positive locking in addition to welding .
this way, seals already integrated into the pressure part .

Rubber sleeve multi-material 3D printing at Multec

Tags: functional part

Multec contact details

Multec GmbH
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem


+49 (0) - 7554 - 2104482


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