
3D printing

6 materials • 6 colors • 6 tip sizes

6 hotends in the compact print head

Multi-material 3D printing

Up to 6 materials in one printed par

Fully automatic material change

Uninterrupted printjobs thanks to nozzles that can be used redundantly.

0.2 seconds nozzle change

Neither cleaning trips nor waste towers required

Set-up costs reduced by a factor of 6

Variable nozzle size and different plastic materials - freely selectable without nozzle conversion and filament loading.

4-fold print head 4Move - Made in Germany

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3D printing technology: A look behind the scenes

3D printers have long been ubiquitous in industry, toolmaking and research. And many private households have also discovered 3D printing technology for themselves, because hardware and the filament required for printing are gradually becoming affordable for private users. It can therefore be assumed that rapid technologies, or 3D printing technology, will be as commonplace as printing with ink on paper in a few years:

3D printing technology: what exactly happens during additive manufacturing?

A process in the field of 3D printing technology is called generative manufacturing or additive manufacturing (AM). Thanks to modern filaments and innovative technologies, three-dimensional objects are created as if by magic.

It is built up layer by layer (hence the term “additive manufacturing”) and is monitored by a computer. For this purpose, chemical and physical processes take place in the printer, which first liquefy the respective 3D printing filament , i.e. the starting material for the subsequent prototype, and then allow it to harden again. The 3D printing technology is therefore extremely complex.

3D printing technology: A science in itself

In fact, the question of which filament is used in 3D printing technology also needs to be well thought out. Because every filament has its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the material from which a tool or model is made must of course be adapted to its later use.

In general, plastics, synthetic resins, but also ceramics or specially prepared metals are suitable for 3D printing technology. In addition, filament can be transparent, food-safe or resistant to chemicals, which can be particularly important for industrial or medical applications.

3D printing technology: special features of Multec products

We at Multec also have a MULTEC® PLA-HT filament in our range for anyone interested in additive manufacturing and 3D printing technology. The abbreviation HT stands for high temperature and indicates that the spare parts manufactured in this way can be exposed to higher temperatures than is the case with normal PLA.

For example, no deformation occurs when exposed to sunlight. Further advantages are the dynamic resilience and an excellent print image. In addition, warping and shrinkage are extremely low. The quality of the 3D printing technology is therefore sensitively determined by the filament.

Experts in the fields of 3D printing technology, filaments and printers

Of course, in addition to professional large-capacity 3D printers and excellent filaments, we at Multec also offer a comprehensive service on the subject of "additive manufacturing". This includes various training courses, for example on the subject of 3D scans, as well as comprehensive technical support.

For users who use 3D printing technology professionally, questions about product and design optimization are of course of great importance. Here, but also in the development of prototypes for series production, our experts have many years of experience and can therefore provide holistic coaching.

The future of 3D printing technology

The boom in 3D printing technology is just beginning. The importance of rapid technologies is increasing, especially in the medical sector. Orthoses, implants and leg prostheses have long been produced using the latest 3D printing technology and many researchers assume that such processes could even provide replacements for destroyed bones or other tissue structures in the future.

3D printers and 3D printing technology have also long been part of everyday life in toolmaking, in the development of master models ready for series production or in model making, right through to the presentation of architectural designs

Investing in this modern technology and training makes sense for companies!

If you have any further questions, please contact us at any time!

Multec contact details

Multec GmbH
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem


+49 (0) - 7554 - 2104482


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