
3D printing

6 materials • 6 colors • 6 tip sizes

Cost analysis - your use case

Multec analyzes and optimizes your parts for you

Multec will provide you with a detailed analysis for your application with explanations of printability and production costs in FFF technology.

Includes advice on cost savings, strength optimization, break-even analysis and multiple print scenarios such as faster print/best finish and in-house production with a multirap printer. With the help of a table of hourly machine rates, you can decide for yourself whether Multec should produce for you and when your Multirap will have paid for itself in your own production.

Here you can download a sample printed part analysis, as Multec creates it for your application:


Cost analysis 3D printing Multec

If you would like a specific offer for your printed part, please contact our contract production department directly at

For an analysis of your application in relation to a machine purchase, please contact This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on! or +49 (0) - 7558 - 949 999 0


Multec contact details

Multec GmbH
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem


+49 (0) - 7554 - 2104482


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