
3D printing

6 materials • 6 colors • 6 tip sizes

Digital Now - New funding program of the BMWi up to 65% funding rate for SMEs

In addition to digitization, IT, network and cloud topics, digital technologies and associated processes in the company are also funded. This includes 3D printers and related investments .

This is a grant that does not have to be paid back.

BMWi: "The aim of the new program is to promote the digitization of business processes, to develop new business models for SMEs and to secure the competitiveness and innovative ability of companies in the long term.

In addition, employees should be enabled to recognize and evaluate the opportunities of digitization and to initiate future investments in the company."


The funding rate is up to 65% , as bonus points can be credited to the standard program of up to 50%.

IMPORTANT: A concrete offer for a 3D printer is very advantageous when submitting the application.

Ask us!


Amount of grants - depends on the size of your company

The maximum amount of funding is 50,000 euros per company , for investments in value chains and/or networks it can be up to 100,000 euros per company.

The minimum funding amount is 17,000 euros in module 1 (this includes 3D printers) and 3,000 euros in module 2 (this includes further training for your employees).

Funding quotas (valid until 06/30/2021)

  • Up to 50 employees: up to 50%
  • Up to 250 employees: up to 45%
  • Up to 499 employees: up to 40%

Bonus additional funding is available for structurally weak regions (+10%) and for cooperation with several companies in a value chain (+5%).


Apply for the grants online

only be submitted using the electronic application form . Necessary documents or attachments are only uploaded electronically. The application tool safely guides the applicant through the following topics:

  1. Registration
  2. company data
  3. Contact details of the applicant (project management / authorized person; management)
  4. digitization plan
  5. financing plan

You can find more information on the digitization plan under “ How to create the digitization plan? “.

The online application tool also offers the following advantages:

  • The application can be cached continuously by the applicant. Thus, successive processing is possible;
  • The tool contains instructions for completing the application (e.g. explanations of necessary information, definitions of complex issues/technical terms);
  • Plausibility checks prevent incorrect entries or point out criteria of non-eligibility for funding at an early stage;
  • Calculations with regard to the expected funding are made automatically based on the information provided by the company (funding rate, amount of the grant).

Due to the high demand, the next possible registration for the grant is October 15th, after which you can submit the actual application on the 1st of the following month.

After approval, you then have 12 months to implement the investment.

Multec in-house exhibition with individual dates 12-16-10.2020

Workshops according to your wishes exclusively for you and your team

As a result of the corona pandemic, all of our trade fairs, including Formnext, have been cancelled.
Since the sometimes complex aspects of additive 3D printing can best explained by seeing/experiencing "real things" to get to know Multirap 3D printers and 3D scanners in a one-

In the period from October 12th to October 16th, 2020, Multec is organizing an in-house exhibition, where prior registration ensures that visits by interested parties do not overlap.

You have the opportunity to let our experts show you all the details of the printing technology .

  • Multec industrial printer with patented 4-fold print head for plastic (M10, M500, M800, M4Metal) and metal (M4 Metal)
  • Multec filament portfolio
  • Reverse engineering possibilities with 3D scanning and 3D printing
  • And much more...




If you are unable to attend our in-house exhibition, individual appointments outside of this period can also be offered.

Multec pressure part cost analysis

Multec analyzes and optimizes your parts for you

Multec will provide you with a detailed analysis for your application with explanations of printability and production costs in FFF technology.

Includes advice on cost savings, strength optimization, break-even analysis and multiple print scenarios such as faster print/best finish and in-house production with a multirap printer. With the help of a table of hourly machine rates, you can decide for yourself whether Multec should produce for you and when your Multirap will have paid for itself in your own production.

Here you can download a sample printed part analysis, as Multec creates it for your application:


Cost analysis 3D printing Multec

If you would like a specific offer for your printed part, please contact our contract production department directly at

For an analysis of your application in relation to a machine purchase, please contact This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on! or +49 (0) - 7558 - 949 999 0


Multec contact details

Multec GmbH
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem


+49 (0) - 7554 - 2104482


We need your approval!

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