
3D printing

6 materials • 6 colors • 6 tip sizes

Industrial 3D printing

large format

Highest process security and automation
with Multec Plus control
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Compact Move print head

Up to 6 nozzles

quick change and nozzle closure
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Multi-material 3D printing

6 hotends
can be freely combined

Nozzle change in a fraction of a second
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M1000 - Our newest and largest machine for high performance plastics

Multec GmbH proudly presents the M1000, the latest innovation in industrial 3D printing for high-performance plastics such as ULTEM and PEEK .
This joint development together with Reichenbacher Hamuel combines our proven and innovative printing technology with a high-performance machine with the highest standards.

This machine sets new standards in precision and efficiency, perfect for demanding applications in aerospace, medical technology and many other high-tech industries.
This high-speed printer defines completely new standards thanks to its large build volume , high-quality insulation, innovative build space heating and advanced print head technology and meets the highest demands of industrial mechanical engineering.

Key features

  • Large construction volume: 1000 x 1000 x 1000 mm for large-format components.
  • High temperature capabilities: Heated build chamber up to 350°C, print head up to 400°C.
  • Patented 6-fold print head: multi-material 3D printing, high-speed 3D printing and fully automatic filament changes
  • High-performance plastics: Processes ULTEM®, PEEK and other thermoplastic polymers.
  • Filament Live Tracking: Monitor filament consumption for continuous printing.
  • Heated filament storage: Ensuring material quality through heated and dehumidified storage.
  • Fully automatic filament change: the machine detects empty spools and switches to new, full spools fully automatically and without breaks
  • Vacuum clamping table: Provides a stable printing platform at high temperatures.
  • Precision and perfect printing technology: Patented nozzle closure technology prevents dripping and reduces cleaning times.

Discover the possibilities with the M1000 and how it can revolutionize your production processes. Contact us for more information and visit us at the Formnext exhibition from 19-22. November 2024.

Download M1000 data sheet

"With Multec, we at Ottobock experienced seamless integration into the world of 3D printing, with the high-speed print head playing a central role in increasing our productivity."
Ottobock Healthcare has set up a production line made up of Multec M800 high-speed printers in Duderstadt and developed an exciting use case for series production together with the Multec experts. Both special plastics and software developed specifically for the application were used

3D printing applications in orthopedics

prosthetic sockets




Positive forms


High-speed printing - ideal for orthopedics

4-fold print head 4Move - Made in Germany

  • 1

News - current events

Multec references

ZF Passau

"By using additive manufacturing with the Multirap M500 from Multec, we achieve significant improvements in the throughput time in the production of equipment. Additional benefits lie in the significantly cheaper production and the lower weight.

Martin Grill, equipment designer

EMAG Maschinenfabrik GmbH

"EMAG has been using Multec's 3D printing technology in the construction process and process design since 2019. We also replace workpiece-dependent metal components with additively manufactured plastic parts with great added value in the production of complex geometries."

R. Silvestri, Manager of the demonstration and set-up center

Koenig + Neurath AG

"König+Neurath uses the additive technology of 3D printing as part of the design and development process for models and prototypes as well as in jig construction. We use different printers for different requirements. Our Multec M 800 is preferably used for large-volume parts. We particularly appreciate it here the continuous printing function"

Stefan Nebel, Head of Development Seating/Construction

Endress+Hauser Temperature+System Products

"We have been using the Multec M10 since 2019 and are very satisfied with the printer. The main area of ​​application is the creation of devices in the equipment area, e.g. laser tools for our marking lasers, assembly aids and holders in test equipment construction. We mainly use Multec PLA-HT filament because of its good technical properties and printability. Thanks to the good support from Multec and the use of new filaments, we were able to expand the range of applications."

Alexander Gast, Manufacturing Equipment Designer, Nesselwang site


3D printing with PLA - the most popular printing material

PLA or polyactide is one of the most popular printing materials. 3D printing with PLA is popular because there is little shrinkage, so it's easy to print, the material is based on renewable resources, it's cheap, and it doesn't emit toxic fumes during printing. Above all, this makes it ideal for 3D printing for beginners.

ABS is also a common material, compared to PLA it has the advantage of higher thermal and mechanical resilience. On the other hand, it is more difficult to print due to the strong tendency to shrink. In addition, harmful vapors are produced during printing, which is why it should only be printed with a suitable air filter system.

High-temperature PLA meets the highest requirements

3D printing with PLA has numerous advantages:

  • Biodegradable
  • Ideally suited for beginners
  • Environmentally friendly production
  • Barely perceptible smells

The biggest weakness of regular PLA filament is the low temperature resistance. PLA components can usually only be used up to a maximum of 50-60°C. Furthermore, regular PLA has a low notched impact strength and therefore tends to brittle fracture. These negative properties can be circumvented by further developed PLA formulations, the best example of this is Multec PLA-HT. This can also be used at higher temperatures (up to 90°C) and has a notched impact strength that is approx. 10 times higher than that of normal PLA. To avoid this, Multec 3D printing with the new high-temperature PLA. As a result, this PLA is also suitable for use at higher temperatures. In addition, this PLA has a notched impact strength ten times higher than that of conventional PLA.

Are you interested? Then take a look at our application examples . If you have any questions about 3D printing with PLA, please contact us at any time. We're here to help.

PLA printing temperature is crucial for successful 3D printing

In order to achieve optimal printing results, the temperature of the print bed and the extruder must be set for 3D printing. Because too high or too low a temperature can very often lead to printing errors when 3D printing with PLA. However, PLA has the advantage that it has a significantly larger temperature range compared to other filaments. Accordingly, the following temperature is best for 3D printing with PLA:

  • At the extruder between 180 and 230 degrees Celsius
  • At the print bed between 20 and 60 degrees Celsius

In order to find the optimal temperature for 3D printing with PLA, you should use the manufacturer's information as a guideline and gain printing experience with the material yourself. Many 3D fans use temp towers to find the best temperature. The temperature varies while the same structure is printed in just one printing process.

Temperature setting too high when 3D printing with PLA

As the temperature increases during 3D printing with PLA, the heated PLA will eventually reach its maximum viscosity. At that moment, the filament will start to burn as carbonization occurs.

If the temperature is set too high, this affects 3D printing with PLA in the sense that the filament becomes too liquid and drips out of the HotEnd. This can cause blob artifacts, for example.

In addition, if the temperatures of 3D printing with PLA are too high, unwanted filament threads can form, which are referred to as stringing.

Heat creep clogging can also be the result of too high a temperature when 3D printing with PLA. This means that the material softens up to the cold area of ​​the hotend and thus clogs the entire hotend. To prevent this, the printing temperature must be lowered and/or the hotend fans must be strengthened.

Consequences of too low PLA temperature

Too low a temperature when 3D printing with PLA can lead to poor layer adhesion. The PLA, which is too cold in this case, fuses improperly with the lower layer.

If the temperature is low when 3D printing with PLA, this causes the filament to become more viscous. At a certain moment, the viscous PLA will no longer be able to be extruded and the printing process will fail.

The high back pressure of the insufficiently heated material means that the feed wheel of the extruder "mills" into the material and high slippage occurs. As a result, further promotion of the filament is no longer possible.



4-fold extruder Multex4Move wins


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Multec contact details

Multec GmbH
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem


+49 (0) - 7554 - 2104482


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