
3D printing

6 materials • 6 colors • 6 tip sizes

industrial printer

Multec reference customers

customer references

Multec is represented in many corporations with Multirap 3D printers as well as in the service sector, which unfortunately cannot all be named. We would be happy to provide you with reference customers on request.

We would be happy to provide you with reference customers from your region who will tell you about their individual experiences and advantages with Multec and the Multirap production machines. We would also be happy to advise you personally on FFF technology, our production machines and on Multec as an application partner at our company headquarters in 88636 Illmensee (near Lake Constance).

The specialist magazine Additive Manufacturing from Verlag X-technik reports in detail in issue 10/2019 on the cost-, time- and weight-saving use of the Multirap M500 in equipment manufacturing. Download report here.

ZF-Passau: "By using additive manufacturing, we achieve significant improvements in throughput times in the production of operating resources.

Additional benefit lies in the significantly cheaper production and the low weight".

Below you will find a selection of satisfied Multec reference customers who are equipped with one or more Multirap production machines.
We would like to expressly thank these customers for their permission to publish. We can name other groups, companies and research institutes from which we are currently applying for permission to publish, if the respective customer agrees.


The ZF Group produces in several plants

and several divisions with our large-capacity printers M500 and M800



Marc Engineering produces with 2 machines M800

dr Claus Waldmann Managing Director: "3D printing - universal and innovative, the solution for flexible implementation"



Mylcon Printing Services

Mylcon 3D printing

In den Blätteräcker 8, 73527 Hussenhofen Germany

Phone: +49 7171 1840569

Mail: This email address is being protected from spam bots! To display JavaScript must be turned on!


Sporter Metallbau GmbH

Sporter Metallbau GmbH

Printing services in Oberschnitting for the automotive industry, among others





Multec contact details

Multec GmbH
Spitzäcker 2
88682 Salem


+49 (0) - 7554 - 2104482


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